Searching for dental surgical services? You have rightly reached Dr. Abdulla's Clinic. We offer oral and maxillofacial surgery for patients requiring bone grafts, implant placements, treatments for diseases and injuries to teeth, jaws, mouth, bones and facial structures. After careful diagnosis of your condition, we provide the finest surgical care deemed ideal to improve your oral condition and health.
Orthognathic Surgery is also known as jaw corrective surgery planned to improve, correct the conditions of jaw and face structure, growth, malocclusion problems caused due to skeletal issues or other orthodontic problems. The routine surgery performed on one jaw takes one to two hours. The surgery involving multiple procedures may continue 3 to 5 hours. The completion of the surgery provides good alignment of jaws and teeth, balanced appearance of your lower face. It can also improve the function of your teeth. At Dr. Abdulla's Clinic, we assess the alignment of your jaw and confirm if you require surgery.
Maxillofacial trauma is a critical condition caused due to physical trauma to the face. Facial trauma includes injuries such as burns, lacerations and bruises, facial bone fractures such as nasal fractures, jaw fractures and trauma such as eye injuries. Such trauma usually results in the change of shape of facial structures. It can cause disfigurement and loss of function such as difficulty in moving the jaw. At Dr. Abdulla's Clinic, our oral and maxillofacial surgeons provide best surgical care to repair your face’s bony architecture and mitigate the effects of the injuries.
Sinus Lift is a surgical procedure that is performed to increase the amount of bone in the posterior maxilla or upper jaw bone, in the area of the premolar and molar teeth by lifting the lower sinus membrane and placing a bone graft. The goal of the sinus lift is to graft extra bone into the maxillary sinus for more bone availability to support a dental implant. This surgery is required for patients with loss in volume of bone available for implantation of dental implants.
At Dr. Abdulla's Clinic, we perform sinus lift expertly. An incision is made to expose the bone. Then, a small circle is cut into the bone. Consequently, this bony piece is lifted into the sinus cavity and the space underneath is filled with bone graft material.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum posuere malesuada. Nam venenatis pretium leo a varius. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus eros massa, faucibus a est ac, iaculis semper nulla. Aenean ut lacinia libero. Pellentesque ante massa, facilisis et mi eget, vulputate iaculis metus.